Upcoming events

Upcoming events

I will be participating in the following upcoming events

BBWF Unwired – Workshop – Monetizing User-Generated Content: A Symbiotic Approach led by Aashu Virmani, Head of Marketing at Aylus Networks. at CTIA on 31st March

Successful monetization strategies around user-generated content need to follow a basic axiom:  they cannot leave the mobile operator out of the value chain. The most prevalent strategy employed today by sites that offer mobile UGC content creation/consumption/management is to accumulate users at any cost, and grow large enough to let advertising revenue help break even.

A more beneficial and long-term monetization model is one that works in collaboration with the mobile operator. Any monetization strategy with UGC must consider that UGC is moving from text and pictures to video, which consumes a lot of bandwidth. Second, the mobile operator still has direct reach to millions of subscribers, and can help achieve a critical mass, preventing the undesirable outcome that mobile UGC becomes a ‘niche’ experience for only tech-savvy users.

This session will explore how operators can create these UGC offerings, netting mutual benefits for both operators and vendors.

BRIC Emerging Mobile Markets at CTIA on 31st March

Will be giving a talk on the Indian wireless market

Mobile Entertainment Summit, April 22nd

Moderating the panel on future of mobile entertainment

Impact of Innovation on Mobile Entertainment Experiences
This panel will look into the future (3-5 year) timeframe and discuss which of the technologies (projection, analytics, NFC, social networking, three screens, social TV, etc.) might have the most impact on the direction of the mobile entertainment industry.

Future in Review (FiRE) 2009, May 19-22

Moderating a panel on wireless futures

more details as they develop