2009 is upon us. We are doing our annual Mobile Industry Predictions survey (20 questions) to gather insights from the collective brain trust – our readers, friends and colleagues around the globe. I am hoping you will help us out by giving us your thoughts and insights. You can answer any or all questions. All answers are kept confidential. Last year’s survey results here.
If you leave your email address, we will enter you in the drawing for winning a signed copy of one of our three books released in 2008.
– Mobile Advertising by Chetan Sharma, Joe Herzog, and Victor Melfi, John Wiley & Sons
– Wireless Broadband by Vern Fotheringham and Chetan Sharma, IEEE Press and John Wiley & Sons
– Enterprise Mobility: Applications, Technologies, and Strategies, IOS Press
We will share the results during the first week of 2009.
Please click here to start responding. If the link doesn’t work for you, please let us know.
Survey ends Dec 28th.
The questions are:
1. Will we see a pull-back in mobile data spending globally?
2. Will we see a pull-back in mobile data spending in the US?
3. Will Android handset sales exceed iPhone’s in 2009?
4. Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who will be the most open of them all?
5. Will Apple launch new iPhone models in 2009?
6. Will Mobile Advertising see a rise in ad-spend in 2009?
7. Will India and China launch nationwide 3G in 2009?
8. Will Mobile Payments get any traction in North America and Western Europe?
9. Will Microsoft launch its own mobile phone?
10. Will Clearwire meet the 1.3 million subscriber target in 2009?
11. Will Mobile Open Source mitigate fragmentation?
12. Will cable companies make a major play in wireless in 2009?
13. Will Microsoft buy RIM?
14. Will Obama’s administration have a major impact on network neutrality and open networks debate?
15. Will carriers start launching Apple/Android style appstores?
16. Will Microsoft make windows mobile free to OEMs?
17. Will the smartphone penetration hit the inflection point in the western markets?
18. Will UMA/Femtocells cement their place in the mobile ecosystem?
19. Will consumer privacy and data security rise to be one of the important issues of 2009?
20. Despite conventional wisdom, what will not happen in 2009?
Please feel free to pass this on to anyone who might be interested or has something to say.
Thanks and Have a safe and wonderful holiday.
For a prosperous and strong 2009.
Kind regards,
Chetan Sharma