Partner Event: Mobilebeat 7/12-13, SF

Partner Event: Mobilebeat 7/12-13, SF


Venturebeat’s flagship mobile conf – Mobilebeat – is around the corner and we have got a discount for you. This year’s theme is “Who will win in the 4G Nirvana?”

Friends of Chetan click here and use discount code "VB-Chetan" to get 20% off!

There’s no doubt that 4G is more than just a speed upgrade. It allows consumers to use the mobile web like their home broadband connection, which is spurring untold innovation from all major industry sectors. At MobileBeat 2011, speakers will dissect these multi-billion dollar sectors that are being transformed by the new, resource-rich mobile networks and platforms: Payments, e-commerce, phone & device makers, cloud, web development, mobile gaming, and more.

You’ll also get a peek at 20 of the hottest new mobile startups in the applications and infrastructure/services categories as they present live onstage at the MobileBeat 2011 Startup Competition.