The list speaks for itself .. see you there
4INFO Acision Airbiquity Alcatel-Lucent Alvarion Amdocs AOL At&t Bango Big Fish Games Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation BioGuidance Blue Nile Booz&Co Bose Corporation Bridgewater Systems Brightpoint BusinessWeek CBHA CellTrak Technologies, Inc. Cequint, Inc. Clearwire CNN Coept Comcast Interactive Media Cypress River Advisors D2Communications De Winter Services Inc DIRECTV Disney Endeavour Partners, MIT Enterprise Ireland Ericsson ESPN Feelingk Feeva Finsphere GigaOM Globys Ground Truth Hyundai Huawei IceBreaker U.S. Inc IDG Illinois Institute of Technology InfoStretch Corporation ING Direct INQ Mobile INRIX Intel Intellectual Ventures iSoftStone Khosla Ventures Kiha Kovio Lucasfilm, Ltd. Madrona Group Microsoft Microvision Millennial Media Miller Nash LLP Mobile Centric Consulting Mobile Content Network Mobile Marketer Mobile Posse MobileComm Professionals, Inc Mobisante Moconews Motorola News Corp Nokia Nordstrom Nuance Communications NVP OnMobile Onskreen Openmarket Openwave Orange P&G Payfone, Inc. PERISCOPE Polaris Wireless Inc. Powerwave Technologies Qualcomm, Inc. Razorfish RCR Real Networks Redpoint Ventures Research In Motion Revel Consulting Rhapsody International Rockfish Interactive Root Metrics Samsung Seattle Times SinglePoint Slalom Consulting Sprint Strong-Bridge LLC Syniverse Technologies Tata DoCoMo Techflash Teleca Telus Tieto T-Mobile Trilogy Partnership Turner Broadcasting Twisted Pair Solutions Ãœbermind University of California, Riverside Verisign Inc WA State Department of Commerce Waggener Edstrom Worldwide Wavefront Welldoc WhatCounts, Inc. WIP Wireless Week Yahoo! Zong ZTE USA |