Dear Friends,
Trust this note finds you and yours safe and healthy.
We are living through history and uncertain times.
Years of change is happening in days.
Supply Chains. Consumer Behavior. Enterprise Muscle Memory.
Threats. Partnerships. Competition. Talent. Economics. Trade.
There are more questions than answers.
We are planning our annual fall summit to help the industry address these questions in a thoughtful manner. This year, Mobile Future Forward Digital 2020 will be a two-day (Sept 9-10th) online event filled with exceptional insights and brainstorming on what the future will bring. It will provide you guidance on how to prepare for the altered landscape and reshaped supply-chains. We will be delving deep into how to think about the New Future, how to come out of the crisis inspired and emboldened.
150 year of economic history tells us there is a 20% chance the companies that start during the next 12-24 months will help shape the decade to come.
With the help of our long-time partners and steadfast community, we are assembling some of the best minds and technologists to help us brainstorm the path forward. Their wisdom of dealing with past crises and inventive spirit to create something new will shape our dialog and roadmap.
Please join us for the New Future.
Registration and more details to be announced next week.
Thanks, and best wishes.
Chetan Sharma