Mobile Future Forward – Connected Universe. Unlimited Opportunities

Mobile Future Forward – Connected Universe. Unlimited Opportunities

The theme of Mobile Future Forward this year is Connected Universe. Unlimited Opportunities. As a long time reader, you know the very foundation of this blog is depicted in its name – AORTA – Always On Real-Time Access. Since my early days in the mobile world, I longed for a time when connectivity became ubiquitous. In fact, even in my early books in 2000 (Wireless Internet Enterprise Applications) and 2002 (Wireless Data Services with Dr. Yasuhisa Nakamura, CTO, NTT DoCoMo), I had extensively talked about the connected universe. We are finally approaching that vision. To talk about this in more depth, we have the two distinguished leaders who are at the center of it all – Glenn Lurie, President – Emerging Devices, Resale & Partnership at AT&T Mobility and Danny Bowman, President – Connected Devices at Sprint.

Connected Universe. Unlimited Opportunities.

The connected devices segment is the fastest growing category of the market and is also the most profitable due to higher margins. Connected devices are impacting a rethink in virtually all key verticals – healthcare, housing, travel, entertainment, communication, energy, and others. It is also disrupting the traditional value chains and revenue models. Which segments are yielding the highest ROI? Does computing fundamentally change forever or are connected devices just a part of the PC hub? How does M2M fit into the world of smartphones and tablets? How are businesses and solution providers taking advantage of the growing connected universe? What’s most important for the consumer and what are their expectations on design, pricing, and connectivity? From connected cars to wireless pill bottles, our world is going to change forever. Meet the leaders who are shaping the growing connected devices ecosystem to get insights that will inform your strategy and decide your future revenue streams.

Glenn Lurie, President – Emerging Devices, Resale  & Partnerships , AT&T Mobility

Danny Bowman, President – Connected Devices, Sprint