Mobile Future Forward 2015 Update

Mobile Future Forward 2015 Update


Trust your summer is going well. The connected intelligence ecosystem continues to expand with each passing day. From startups like Prosyst, Axeda, 2lemetry getting acquired to mobile operators and chip manufacturers building billion dollar IoT businesses to Google proposing Brillo and Weave, there is tremendous activity all around. On the consumer front, wearable revenue is expected to cross $5B for the first time. In the industrial sector, investments and cost-savings are even bigger.

Partners and speakers at Mobile Future Forward are key companies and executives who are shaping the connected intelligence journey. We are delighted to add more speakers to the roster (see below). At the summit, each topic gets a thorough deep-dive to explore the intricacies of opportunities and challenges. Participants leave with a clearer picture of where the technology world is headed and more importantly what should they do about it, who to partner with, and what to ignore as noise.

At Mobile Future Forward (now in its 6th year), we delve into the nuances of innovation that trigger seismic activity which shapes the future generation of experiences, applications and services. This unique executive summit is a true meeting of the great minds who go beyond the headlines and hype to examine the growth trajectory of the future. It is a daylong data-driven brainstorm designed to make you think. The experts and visionaries from around the globe will gather in Seattle on Sept 29th to explore the world of possibilities, envision the opportunities, and inspire the entrepreneurship spirit within us to achieve more, faster.

We welcome you to join us in the discussions and contribute to the collective knowledge of our industry.

Registration is open now (Early bird expires next week)

We are excited to partner with the industry leaders and thank them for their ongoing support: Ericsson and Neustar.

Mobile Future Forward is causing everyone to think about what’s the next big thing. – CEO, Global Mobile Operator

Mobile Future Forward is the most intellectual conference  – CEO and founder, Connected Watch Company

The caliber of participants is extraordinary. Mobile Future Forward is a data driven event, the team has put together so much hard to find factual data that is unrivaled anywhere in the industry in terms of building the foundation of facts for analysis. I normally don’t learn new things at events but at Mobile Future Forward, I did. – North American Leader – IoT and Mobile, IBM

Some of the confirmed industry leaders are:

· Glenn Lurie, President & CEO, AT&T Mobility

· Dr. Eric Topol, Chief Academic Officer, Scripps Health

· Faisal Masud, Chief Digital Officer, Staples

· Rima Qureshi, Chief Strategy Officer, Ericsson

· Hank Skorny, SVP – IoT, Neustar

· Raja Rajamannar, CMO, Mastercard

· Sanjiv Ahuja, Former CEO, Orange

· Hossein Moiin, CTO, Nokia Networks

· Craig Moffett, Partner, MoffettNathanson

· Prof. Shyam Gollakota, University of Washington

· Tim Chang, Managing Partner, Mayfield

· Josh Will, SVP – Mobile, Best Buy

.. more to come

We will be announcing new speakers and partners through the course of the summer and look forward to seeing you in September. If you are interested in partnering, please reach out at

Chetan Sharma

CEO, Chetan Sharma Consulting