Mobile Breakfast Series–The Future of Mobile Commerce/Payments

Mobile Breakfast Series–The Future of Mobile Commerce/Payments


In 2014, Mobile Commerce is going to generate over $100 billion+ in revenue. Mobile Commerce already accounts for over 12% of the digital commerce in the US. This is the revenue that didn’t exist a few years ago. We will talk to executives who are driving mobile commerce and who are powering the technology behind these billion dollar initiatives. Digital only retailers are likely to take 75% of the mobile commerce revenue share. How are the traditional players reacting to the threat and the opportunities? How does the difference in behavior on smartphones and tablets impact commerce? As we move into the Connected Intelligence Era, how will commerce change in both the physical and the digital worlds? How will Apple Pay transform the financial industry? We will tackle some of the thorniest questions in front of our industry.

Sam Liang, CEO and founder of Alohar Mobile (Alibaba)

Prat Vemana, VP – Mobile and Commerce, Staples

Sebastien Taveau, VP and Chief Developer Evangelist, MasterCard

Chetan Sharma, CEO, Chetan Sharma Consulting (moderator)

We will explore the mobile commerce opportunities and shifts in the ecosystem in detail across the globe. You don’t want to miss this one.


Venue: Columbia Tower Club, 701 5th Ave #7500, Seattle, WA 98104

Date: Feb 17th 7:30 – 10:30am

Look forward to seeing you soon.

