Mobile Advertising Book: Foreword by Greg Stuart

Mobile Advertising Book: Foreword by Greg Stuart

Greg Stuart who led Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) during its heydays earlier this decade kindly consented to write the Foreword for our book. I will have the foreword available for public consumption in the next 2-3 weeks.

Greg Stuart

Greg is the former CEO & President of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), the leading association for the interactive advertising and marketing industry. Member companies include AOL, CNET Networks, Google,, MSN, Walt Disney Internet Group, and Yahoo, among other interactive giants.

While with IAB, Greg led an international consortium developing the world’s first Global Online Ad Measurement and Audit Guidelines which are affecting the way all media is measured.

More recently Greg has written the thought-provoking book, What Sticks: Why Most Advertising Fails and How to Guarantee Yours Succeeds released in 2006. What Sticks is based on pivotal research against $1 billion in advertising spending and reveals just where advertising goes wrong and what the biggest advertisers don’t know.