We will be participating in the upcoming summit on IP, Antitrust, and Innovation Policy –
Enabling the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Washington DC on April 10th. Session information below:
International IP and Antitrust Policies for Innovation and the Race to 5G
5G/IoT will revolutionize the world and enable the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Panelists will discuss the potential economic impact of these technologies, how national policies help shape international innovation and commerce, and IP and Antitrust policies that are needed to ensure its success. The panel will also analyze pros and cons of alternative methods of innovation — cooperative SSOs, proprietary technologies, open source, etc. — for generating new technologies.
Jorge Padilla Senior Managing Director and Head, Compass Lexecon Europe
Chetan Sharma CEO, Chetan Sharma Consulting
David Teece Professor of Global Business, Hass School of Business at UC Berkeley
Stephen Haber Professor of Political Science and History, Stanford University
More details at: http://www.ipleadership.org/events/leadership-2018