Three exciting events to participate in this month – TiECON, FiRE, and mHealth
First up is TiECON 15-16th May. I will be moderating a panel on “Wireless Monetization – The Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow”
Saturday, May 16, 2009
11: 45 AM – 02:30 PM
Historically there has been a lot of buzz around mobile advertising, commerce and payments. This session will address the topic – Where do things stand today and what is the promise for the future? Currently, there are four ways applications can be monetized: subscription (or one-time download), advertising (in-application and banner), virtual goods (primarily for games), and rev-share (mostly for apps native to carriers). There have been differential rates of growth and adoption in different countries. Why is that? The panel will be challenged to address the issues around how does the pervavsiveness of applications, content and services, and, the emergence of mobile application stores impact each of these areas, and, what are the opportunities and pitfalls for entrepreneurs going forward.
Key Takeaways:
The attendee/entrepreneur can expect to listen to not only an analysis of what monetization scheme works, but also why it works. Further, the discussion will focus on what monetization schemes work for what type of applications in what kind of platforms.
This panel will aim to synthesize the conversations in the previous panels and dive into where the rubber meets the road for making money.
TiE Host(s):
Savinay Berry, Granite Ventures
Arvind Gupta, Former Yahoo & Oracle
Asha Vellaikal, Orange Labs
Chetan Sharma, Chetan Sharma Consulting
Michael Bayle, Yahoo!
Purnima Kochikar, Nokia
Gary Kovacs, Sybase
Matt Liszt, Glu Mobile
Then hop over to San Diego for “Future in Review” hosted by Mark Anderson of the SNS fame. I will be moderating a panel on “The Future of Wireless Broadband.” on 20th
1:00p – 1:30p
“The Future of Wireless Broadband”: A panel with Hugh Bradlow, CTO, Telstra; Scott Richardson, Chief Strategy Officer of Clearwire; Fred Kitson, Vice President, Motorola; and Chris Pearson, President, 3G Americas; hosted by Chetan Sharma, President, Chetan Sharma Consulting
Then finally on May 22nd, I will be attending the mHealth invite-only conference in San Francisco. My thanks to UN Foundation and Vodafone Foundation for inviting me to the event.
Will of course have coverage of these events as we get into them. So, Stay Tuned.