Week 3 kicked off today in Bellagio, Italy as part of The Rockefeller Foundation’s month long conference on eHealth.
Some more info below:
mHealth and Mobile Telemedicine – an Overview
Background Papers:
Sizing the Business Potential.pdf
Relationship among Economic Development.pdf
mHealth: A potential tool in India.pdf
mHealth: A Developing Country Perspective
Current Status of eHealth Initiatives in India
Mobile Services Evolution: 2008 – 2018
Related Links:
mHealth and Mobile Telemedicine – Conference Wiki
Organized by the United Nations Foundation, Vodafone Group Foundation and Telemedicine Society of India
July 27-August 1, 2008
Mobile electronic health tools such as cell phones and telemedicine technologies are rapidly transforming the face and context of health care service delivery around the world. Currently, there are over 3.5 billion mobile phones in use across the globe; this figure is set to double in the next decade. At the same time, telemedicine’s role in clinical care, education, research, and training in the health sector continues to grow from continent to continent.
Mobile phone use in particular is exploding across the developing world, offering the opportunity to leapfrog other applications and services on both the health and technology fronts. As United Nations Foundation President Timothy E. Wirth emphasizes, the power of these technologies to improve health and the human condition cannot be underestimated: “Modern telecommunications, and the creative use of it, has the power to change lives and help…. solve some of the world’s biggest challenges.”
Telemedicine is the use of medical information exchanged from one site to another via electronic communications to improve patients’ health status or for educational purposes. It includes consultative, diagnostic, and treatment services. Mobile health information technology (mHealth) typically refers to portable devices with the capability to create, store, retrieve, and transmit data in real time between end users for the purpose of improving patient safety and quality of care. The flow of mobile health information is characterized by portable hardware coupled with software applications and patient data that flows across wireless networks. Mobile health enables clinical access to a variety of major software applications central to patient care and subsequently increases clinicians’ reach, mobility, and ease of information access, regardless of location. For example, a clinician might use a mobile device to access a patient’s electronic health record (EHR), write and transmit prescriptions to a pharmacy, interact with patient treatment plans, communicate public health data, order diagnostic tests, review labs, or access medical references. Data transmission is realized by technologies common in everyday life including blue tooth, cell phone, infra-red, wifi, and wired technologies, all of which operate as part of a network. Mobile devices can be helpful across the health care spectrum—transmitting vital information quickly during an acute public health crisis or being used for on-going needs such as education and training. When utilized for patient care, mobile devices are credited with improving patient safety by eliminating errors commonly associated with paper-based medical records and enhancing the continuity of care. In addition to improved patient outcomes, workflow and administrative efficiencies from the use of mobile devices can produce cost savings for the user or user organization.
Both telemedicine and mobile health are becoming more common around the globe and many countries, particularly in the developing world, are interested in the reality and potential of mobile technology and telemedicine convergence.
This conference week will build the case and define the roadmap for mHealth and mobile telemedicine in the Global South by
• Examining the current and future landscape of mHealth and mobile telemedicine
• Assessing the priority issues for mHealth and mobile telemedicine
• Documenting the impact of mHealth on development and health care delivery and reach
• Discussing mHealth and telemedicine markets and scaling, highlighting Global South opportunities and challenges
• Focusing on imperatives for national-level health data collection process through mobile devices
• Exploring critical success factors and incentives for local implementations
• Creating a collective declaration of action
• Seeding a multi-sector partnership dedicated to designing, funding, and advancing mobile service projects in the Global South
The United Nations Foundation (UN Foundation), the Vodafone Group Foundation, and the Telemedicine Society of India will co-convene the mHealth and Mobile Telemedicine conference. The UN Foundation acts to meet the most pressing health, humanitarian, socioeconomic, and environmental challenges of the 21st century through the support of the United Nations, new and innovative public-private partnerships, advocacy, and grantmaking.
The Vodafone Group Foundation and its technology partnership with the UN Foundation, established in 2005, have created strategic technology programs to strengthen the UN’s humanitarian efforts worldwide.
The Telemedicine Society of India was created in 2006 with the objectives of promoting and encouraging development, advancement, and research in the science of telemedicine and the application of telemedicine technology in clinical care, education, and research in the health sector of India.
I will be presenting my paper on Mobile Services Evolution 2008-2018 tomorrow AM. If you are interested in the slides, let me know.