China’s 3G Saga

China’s 3G Saga

According to Telegeography,

The People’s Republic of China has postponed the award of 3G licences until the first quarter of 2008 at the earliest, according to Beijing-based business magazine Caijing, which cites an unnamed source. The report added that China Mobile will lead another round of tests of TD-SCDMA technology, beginning next month, which will run for a year. During this period, the magazine claims the Chinese government will not consider the award of 3G licences.

China continues to play with fire too close to the Olympics. The licensing is getting postponed every month. This makes FCC look stellar. TD-SCDMA continues to have problems, is not going to be adopted outside China (if ever) in any meaningful way and is just too late to the party. Earlier they wake up to this conundrum, the better off they will be .. Not having 3G roaming support in a year for Olympics will be a really bad PR move. They will probably have to do with make-shift equipment deployment.