Mobile Advertising Bubble

Mobile Advertising Bubble

There will be a lot of companies that will be funded in this space as it is new and hot. Lot is unknown, people are just trying to figure things out. Couple of new announcements from Boris Fridman – Crisp Wireless’s CEO

The first announcement is our partnership with WPP-owned interactive agency VML to develop mobile promotions and advertising solutions for major brands.  This is one of the first official alliances between a major agency and a mobile content delivery firm.  Already, Crisp Wireless and VML have collaborated on the Burger King WAP site, part of the fast food giant’s growing mobile presence.

The second announcement, with Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive (WPNI), is yet another high-profile validation of Crisp’s mLogic platform in the publishing industry. WPNI has launched three new ad-supported mobile Internet sites–, and Slate—built with and managed by mLogic Media, and ads served by mLogic AdServer.

In other news Visto is raising another round of money – $51m to be precise.